Two Wrongs
The Layman's reporting of Prospect Hill Presbytery's actions against Riverside Church is singularly unhelpful to any type of discussion or reconciliation, as are some of the statements and attitudes reported. Mr Adams asserts in his article that the Moderator issued "threats" against the church, but he does not state what those threats were and neither does he source the threats. We have only his word to go on here, and, given my Calvinist conviction of man's depravity, that's not enough, I'm afraid. There are statements made in a reply, which is included in full at the end of the article. Are those the threats? I certainly hope not, since the statements made are simply decent and in good order polity process. If Mr Adams doesn't like the process, that's fine, too; but if these are the "threats" alluded to, then that's a cat of a different color. Another significant disappointment is the minister's conviction: ". . .we are going to thrive, while they die. . . ." I am hard put to see the Christian character therein. Our side (whatever side that may be) thriving while the other side dies is hardly the way of the cross. Paul seems to think that we should have the same attitude as Christ Jesus who, even though he is equal to God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but instead humbled himself, and died for us--even a death on a cross! "We thrive, they die" is far removed from that humility, I fear. The minister's conviction that "no further fellowship with [PCUSA] can be had in Christian conviction" is also lacking in Biblical understanding and behavior. What sin didn't exist in the Corinthian church? Paul didn't wash his hands of that fellowship. What sin doesn't exist in each and every one of us? Christ doesn't wash his hands of our fellowship. Indeed, Christ's grace is perfected in our weakness. Would that Riverside's grace were perfected in Prospect Hill's weakness, but we see that is not the case. Would that the Layman's grace were perfected in the PCUSA's weakness, but we see that is not the case. When our brokenness is at its worst, God gets more involved, not less. May we each and all do likewise.
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