In one of his addresses, President Kennedy said that the Chinese word for 'crisis' involves two characters; the first character means 'danger' and the second means 'opportunity'. Certainly that is where the PCUSA finds itself. There are two reasons (among others) that I think the PUP report and its ensuing and accepted recommendations may be an opportunity for the denomination. One is theological: What we often see as death, God intends for life (see: Cross of Jesus Christ). The second is more specific: We need a thorough going reformation of our ordination process. That reformation has already begun with occurrences such as this one. This is only the start, but it's a good start. In my Presbytery (Peaks, in southwestern Virginia), CPM and COM will be looking over a motion by a Session to have these same types of discussions. Whether one supports or opposes gay ordination, the process has certainly become something of a joke. (Hey, after all, I got in!) Difficult conversations about theology and process concerning ordination is much overdue; perhaps this is just the kickstart we need.
On another, and briefer, note: If you want to leave so bad, what's keeping you?
On another, and briefer, note: If you want to leave so bad, what's keeping you?
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