The Mad Parson

As a matter of fact, yes, I do think irreverence is a spiritual gift.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

You Can Get Pregnant By Not Having Sex!

Well, that's not exactly what Kristof is saying. But the logic is just as tortured. His fundamental argument seems to be that kids are going to have sex no matter what you do, so at least educate them as to how to do so safely. This argument, though, is flawed in its assumptions. First, kids are not going to have sex no matter what you do. If they were, they percentage of kids having sex before age eighteen would be one hundred, not sixty. Second, there's really no such thing as safe sex, except for two virgins losing it to each other and staying monogamous. Sorry, Nick, but that's just the facts.

The breakdown here is in interpreting the problem. Kristof and the Left want to erase consequence. You see this in affirmative action (guaranteeing result regardless of ability), gay marriage (granting "rights" regardless of whether the behavior is harmful), and budgetary issues (spending money with no accountability as to its usage) to name a few. My conviction is that if we remove the option of abortion as birth control, expect our kids to remain abstinent until marriage and monogamous afterward, and enforce the idea that actions have consequences (those consequences often waking up at 2am for a bottle), then most kids wouldn't have sex.

But then, I guess I'd never make it in a Blue State, either.


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