The Mad Parson

As a matter of fact, yes, I do think irreverence is a spiritual gift.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Killing Social Security

One of the (many) reasons the Democratic Party is foundering is because it has tacked away from fundamental moral principles. Instead of having a moral goal, around which it draws like-minded constituencies, the Democratic Party is a patchwork quilt of special interests that often oppose one another's agendas. Tree huggers and Big Labor. African-Americans and pro-gays. Abortionists and the AARP.

Abortionists and the AARP? Yup. Since Roe v. Wade, roughly forty million pregnancies have ended in elective abortion. That's forty million persons who are NOT paying Social Security taxes to shore up the Winnebago drivers who depend on them. Now, simply adding numbers to the roll won't itself save Social Security, but if forty million contributors were added to Roosevelt's Ponzi Scheme, it would certainly ease the strain on the system and open up more options for keeping is solvent. Once again, Democratic opportunism works against the party. One day they'll get the message: Morality pays. Literally.


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