Inauguration: Speech
A lot has been said about the speech, so I won't add too much: First, as you can see by the picture below, it was not easy to actually see the President or the proceedings, and we had decent tickets. However, plenty of video screens were set up to telecast it, so we still got a good view. The crowd was very responsive, with numerous interruptions for cheering (myself included). The President didn't have a great cadence in his speech, but he never does, really. Sometimes he paused for too long; I suppose he thought a certain line might garner even more response when we were listening attentively for more. The speech was nonetheless remarkable; it was remarkable, not for any abilities of Ciceroan rhetoric, but for the grandeur of the ideas and the passion with which Mr Bush believes them. I don't know if that came through over TV or radio, but it definitely came through live--even via video screen. The President believes that every person should be--and can be--free. That's not unrealistic. It should be the American ideal; it is definitively the Christian goal.

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