The Mad Parson

As a matter of fact, yes, I do think irreverence is a spiritual gift.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The State Of The Blog Address

A few immediate responses to the SOTU address (from one who attended the Inaugural):

Which means nothing, actually. Nonetheless, with single malt scotch in hand, we proceed:

1) The only worry--partial privatization? I'm 33; either privatize all of it, or be honest and tell me I'm screwed!

2) Mr Bush believes in the push for liberty. I mean really believes it. Like Steve says, you can disagree with his policies, but you can't fault his honesty. I'd buy him a pint, but he doesn't drink. Mr Bush, that is. Steve actually drinks a lot, from what I understand. Oh, nevermind. . .

3) Is it just me, or does all that Democratic booing sound like British Parliament?

4) Okay, I'm not a sentimental guy, but when the mother of the fallen Marine hugged the daughter of the slaughtered Iraqi, I trembled.

5) My ten-year-old daughter wants to be President when she grows up. After this address, I think I know why.

6) Response: Please. No, really. Please. Stop. Talking.

7) The only way to make the SOTU better? If he'd held up a purple finger when he started. . .

UPDATE: PoliPundit agrees with me on the British Parliament connection. And in a delicious write up of the speech, Grace mentions it, too.


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