Give It Up
The recent spate of articles and opinions on Presbyterian property are pretty much depressing. I can't imagine how bad it looks to the world for Christians to wrangle in such fashion. (Although it does add gravity to our confession of being sinners. At least we have that part right.) Perhaps the root of this conflict is in our lack of humility. I have yet to read anything that Mark Tammen or Parker Williamson has written since the 217th General Assembly that approximates humility. Humility and sacrifice are closely woven. Paul indicates that we should have the same attitude as Christ himself, who, even though he was God, didn't grasp the power of being God, but humbled himself to the point of dying on a cross. Humility, then, is bound up in giving something up for the good of someone else. What if, instead of trying to outdo one another in being right, we tried to outdo one another in humility and sacrifice? What if a congregation tried to leave the PCUSA, and the Presbytery blessed the congregation and sent them on their way with their property and Session intact, just to have the congregation try to leave the (entrusted) property to the Presbytery? What if they tried to "out-generosity" each other? Surely, two things would happen: First, the world would certainly see Christians differently than the world and differently than we now look. But second, it would change the tone (and probably the substance, too) of our discussions. Perhaps we should give it a try. Who knows what Christ might do with it.
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